Purpose and Scope
The Mulberry Public Library offers Internet access in support of its mission to satisfy the informational needs of library users. Internet sites are additional sources of information that supplement the library’s prints sources and other electronic sources that are available. In offering Internet access, the library does not monitor or have control over information that can be accessed over the Internet. Although the Internet offers access to many valuable local, national and international sources of information, not all sources are accurate, complete, current or appropriate for all users.
Headphones Policy
The Mulberry Public Library has headphones available for patrons to borrow.
Acceptable Use Policy
- The library reserves the right to limit time on the computers in order to provide equitable access to all.
- Patrons may use the computer up to two hours per day, with a one hour at initial log in.
- When another person is waiting to use the computers, an hour limit is observed.
- Polk County residents and Non-Polk County residents that do not have a library card will be asked to provide a current photo I.D. in order to be issued a computer guest pass.
- The library does not offer electronic mail accounts; however, you may access your private account if you have the internet address.
- All library patrons who access the internet through the library are expected to do so responsibly, using common sense and common courtesy and respecting the rights of others as well as the library and its equipment.
- An adult must accompany children under the age of 12.
- It is strongly recommended and encouraged that parents monitor all internet use for their children. Parents must accept responsibility for establishing and determining guidelines for their children that are consistent with their family values.
Inappropriate use includes, but is not limited to:
- Creating an atmosphere of discomfort or harassment for any other computer user or library user or library staff member.
- Accessing, transmitting, uploading, downloading, or distributing pornographic, obscene, disturbing, or sexually explicit material.
- Using any computer for illegal, unethical, or criminal activity, including slander, libel, and the transmission/display of obscene or pornographic material or images.
- Violating any local, state, or federal statute.
- Violating Copyright or otherwise using intellectual property of another individual or organization without permission.
- Using the library’s internet resources to conduct a business or commercial enterprise, or engage in commercial activity.
- Installing any software, deleting, adding to, or modifying the installed hardware or software, including wallpaper, screen savers, and the default home page. All electronic files on the hard drive are deemed to be the property of the Mulberry Public Library.
- Damaging or destroying equipment, software, or date belonging to the library or to other users, including adding, altering, or deleting files on library workstation hard drives or other library computer equipment. This includes the deliberate propagation of computer worms or viruses.
- Unauthorized access to the library’s computers, databases, network, or software/hardware settings and/or any damage to these resources are prohibited.
- Using personal software or hardware on library equipment.
In providing public access to the internet, Mulberry Public Library subscribers to and fully supports the principles of intellectual freedom laid out in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read statements.
Failure to comply with these policies may result in loss of library privileges in addition to any appropriate legal action, including criminal prosecution.